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The origin and dream of establishing SIGSCENT brand

Not only providing men's care cosmetics, SIGSCENT also wishes to improve itself to give customers the best experience.

From a dream named 'SIGSCENT'...

Starting from a bold idea that few people would think of, the founders of SIGSCENT have continuously researched to create the concept of SIGSCENT - a companion for customers on the path to self-improvement and success. For SIGSCENT, customers are our top priority, and their success is also our success.

With the message "BE THE BEST MAN," SIGSCENT encourages men to become their best and most confident selves through comprehensive self-care.

From the name itself, SIGSCENT shows the brand's target. "SIGSCENT" is a combination of two words 'SIGSCENT' and 'SCENT' meaning "distinctive fragrance". It can be seen that SIGSCENT's products focus on special scents that make users confident in asserting their personality and leave a lasting impression on others.

Dầu gội sữa tắm 2in1 - SIGSCENT

Dầu gội sữa tắm 2 trong 1 của SIGSCENT giúp phái mạnh tự tin thể hiện cá tính


To the coverage rate on multiple fronts

Although only established since August 2022, with relentless effort to improve, the SIGSCENT brand has gradually attracted and gained trust from customers. In a short period of time,SIGSCENT's customer reach rate has continuously increased and developed thanks to its coverage on many media platforms. Not only traditional channels, but SIGSCENT also focuses on attracting young people through social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, or e-commerce platforms like Shopee, Lazada, Tiki. As a result, SIGSCENT is becoming more popular in the market and is trusted by many people.

So, who is SIGSCENT that has become a popular brand?

SIGSCENT is an ecosystem of body care and cosmetic products for men that meets basic daily needs while ensuring a youthful and dynamic criteria. Besides bringing main effective features, SIGSCENT also highlights its products with attractive scents that affirm the personality and attraction of men.


Dầu gội sữa tắm 2in1 - SIGSCENT

The scent of SIGSCENT's 2in1 shampoo and body wash is an attraction point for users.


Products from SIGSCENT have obtained the Non-Irritation Certificate from the Central Drug Testing Institute, making customers more assured of the credibility of the safe and skin-friendly ingredients for users.


Phiếu kiểm định dầu gội sữa tắm 2in1 - SIGSCENT

Certificate for the 2in1 shampoo and body wash - SIGSCENT.

And, with the spirit of always putting customers as the top priority, SIGSCENT has been, is, and will continue to strive to improve itself even more in the future to not disappoint customers.

Contact information:


Address: No. 8 Phan Boi Chau, Cua Nam Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi City, Vietnam

Account number: 2868888


Hotline: 092.345.88.99 Opening hours: 8:30 - 17:00 from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays, Tet holiday)

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